What's Pressoir Drinking? Pommard!


by Jaime Dutton

September 29, 2020

Domaine de Montille, Pommard Premier Cru “Les Pézerolles” 2012

I have been looking forward to revisit the wines of Domaine de Montille after our At Home Session with Etienne de Montille this summer. Recently, I pulled a bottle of Domaine de Montille Pommard Premier Cru Les Pézerolles 2012 from the cellar. We chose this wine thinking it would be a fun and delicious choice to share with my family to celebrate my older daughter Pilar’s 12th birthday.

As I opened the bottle, I was reminded with a smile of the At Home Session with Etienne this summer on a Saturday afternoon in early July, broadcast live from a boat on Lake Geneva. He had planned an evening with friends Dominique Lafon, Christophe Roumier and Jean-Laurent Vacheron, and was going to join us from the terrace of the restaurant before they went to dinner but plans changed when they ran out of gas! I was impressed on many levels that he still made it happen - first, he was incredibly generous with his time - carving time out for us on a summer weekend during his vacation. He remained focused and engaged from the boat as his friends joked with him and the parade of boats behind him did not phase him at all. He remained jovial and light hearted, sharing the camera with the others on the boat, laughing as they floated in the sun on the lake, all while sharing information and stories about his domaine, his winemaking and experience as a winemaker of one of the most historic and established domaines in Burgundy.

Generous, focused and jovial - I was hoping that these aspects of his personality would come through in his wine and they did. Pommard is known to be hearty and robust, but Les Pézerolles is known to make a lighter style of Pommard. This wine was vibrant on the palette with a juicy character that was balanced with smoky nose and integrated tannins - it was drinking perfectly and we enjoyed it with steaks grilled on the open fire.

Merci Etienne!


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Guess the Label - La Fête du Champagne edition