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What's Pressoir drinking? Daniel Johnnes What's Pressoir drinking? Daniel Johnnes

Great Well-Aged White Burgundy

August 25, 2020
by Daniel Johnnes


August 25, 2020

by Daniel Johnnes

These days white Burgundy lovers are often reluctant to open a bottle of well aged white for fear of finding it oxidized. In order to mitigate that risk, we open our whites young, too young and rarely get to see the full expression of its grape (chardonnay) and more importantly, its terroir.

This is not a story about ‘premox’. We will save that for another time. And a sad story it is. This story is a much happier one. It is about a recent experience I had drinking a mature (maybe not even fully mature) white Burgundy from one of the iconic domaines in all Burgundy, white or red.

It was a Domaine Ramonet, Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Ruchottes 1978. That is a 42 year old white Burgundy in pristine condition and it provided a rare and emotional experience for me. It reminded me how glorious these wines can be when given the proper chance to develop all the complexity and nuance that they are famous for. It disappoints me as well knowing that because of our fear of premox, few people know what a great mature white Burgundy can become. It is truly one of the great white wines on the planet.

This Ramonet lived up to its reputation and reminded me of the benefits of being patient with these rare and expensive jewels.

It had a brilliant light straw color with a hint of deeper colors suggesting some age but it was radiating flashes of gold, indicating a lively, healthy wine. The moment I was anticipating more than anything was when I raised the glass to my nose to take in its just released aromas after so many years. Like a genie released from its flask, it delivered even more than I was hoping for. It had laser like penetrating aromas of citrus, honeysuckle, gun-flint, from a bit of reduction and smoke. Then, everything was confirmed by the first sip that this wine was leaping from the fountain of youth yet with the wisdom of a more mature wine. This was a treasure to savor and remember and a motivator to seek out the next perfectly well aged white Burgundy.

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